projectsLas PalmerasThe inaugural year saw 50 children from Las Palmeras in attendance in the multi-grade classrooms and now the total enrolment is over 150.
projectsInstituto Cooperativo diversificada de La UniónThe unique thing about High School in Guatemala is that every student also learns a trade during their studies.
projectsEscuela de los PadresIn 2016 the Director of the Básico, Veronica Alvarado Jovél, implemented a dream that Access has had for quite some time.
projectsInstituto de Educación Básica por Cooperativa de La UniónStudents in La Unión had nowhere to go after completion of Grade Six. Access Education changed all of that in 2012.
projectsLa Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta de La UniónThe School is located in the community of La Unión near the city of Coatepeque, Guatemala.